68×49 cm, Oil on canvas, 2023 AVAILABLE

71×54 cm, Oil on recicled canvas, 2023 AVAILABLE

55×38 cm, Oil and golden leaf on MDF board, 2016 AVAILABLE

45×35 cm, Acrylic, oil and marker on canvas, 2019-2022 AVAILABLE

60×50 cm, Oil on canvas, 2022, AVAILABLE

28×35 cm Acrylic on canvas, 2022 AVAILABLE

60×50 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2023 AVAILABLE

90×70 cm, ink on canvas, 2017 AVAILABLE

100x150cm, acrylic on canvas, 2020 AVAILABLE

90x65cm, acrylic, oil and ink on canvas, 2019 AVAILABLE

105×28 cm (35×28 each), acrylic and oil on canvases, 2019 AVAILABLE

65×90 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2019 AVAILABLE

40×50 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2019 (NOT FOR SALE)

33×32 cm, oil and golden leaf on plastic (private collection)

55×42 cm, oil and ink on canvas panel, 2019 (private collection)

70×50 cm, oil on wood, 2015 (AVAILABLE)

50×50 cm, oil and ink on canvas, 2019 (private collection)

33×33 cm, oil and golden leaf on plastic, 2019 (private collection)

70×70 cm, acrylic, oil and ink on canvas, 2019 (private collection) Detail

50×63 cm, oil on cardboard, 2017 AVAILABLE

PAXANAC – oil, golden leaf and ink on piano, 2017 AVAILABLE

Life drawings AVAILABLES

25×19 cm, oil, golden leaf and founded letters on cardboard, 2018 AVAILABLE

101×76 cm, oil on canvas, 2018 (private collection)

A4, oil on plastic, 2016 AVAILABLE

80×50 cm, oil on canvas, 2018 AVAILABLE

25×35 cm, oil on canvas, 2017 AVAILABLE

57×65 cm, oil on canvas, 2017 AVAILABLE

90×70 cm, oil on canvas, 2017 AVAILABLE

53×43 cm, oil on paper, 2017 NOT FOR SALE

50×50 cm, acrylic, oil and earrings on canvas, 2018 (private collection)

50×50 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2018 AVAILABLE

50×100 cm, oil on canvas, 2018 AVAILABLE

A4, guache on paper, 2018 (private collection)

20×30 cm, oil and golden leaf on cardboard, 2015 (private collection)

100×50 cm, ink on canvas, 2017 AVAILABLE

100×150 cm, oil on canvas, 2018 AVAILABLE

60×40 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2019 (private collection)

59×78 cm, ink, gold and golden leaf on wood, 2016 AVAILABLE

25×35 cm, oil and gold leaf on wood, 2007 (private collection)

100×120 cm, oil on canvas, 2018 (private collection)

30×40 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2018 (private collection)

11×16 cm, acrylic, oil, ink and golden leaf on cardboard, 2016 (private collection)

16×32 cm, oil on canvas, 2017 (private collection)

100×80 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2017 (private collection)

59×42 cm, oil and golden leaf on wood, 2016 (private collection)

21×29,7 cm, oil on poliplat, 2016/17 (private collection)

30×40 cm, Oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2015 (private collection)

21×29,5 cm, Ink and gold on paper, 2016 (private collection)

8,7×12,8 cm, Oil on photograph, 2017 (private collection)

11,2×9 cm, Oil on photograph, 2017 (private collection)

9×11 cm, oil on polaroid, 2017 (private collection)

14,5×29,2 cm – Oil on terracotta, 2009 (private collection)

30,4×15,2 cm, gold on terracotta, 2008 (NOT FOR SALE)

21x.29,7 cm, oil and gold on poliplat, 2016 AVAILABLE

40×40 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 AVAILABLE

40×40 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 AVAILABLE

15,2×30,4 cm, gold on terracotta, 2008 (private collection)

43,8×32,2 cm, oil and golden leaf on paper, 2016 (private collection)

44×27,2 cm, ink and gold on paper, 2016 AVAILABLE

44×27,2 cm, ink and gold on paper, 2016 AVAILABLE

21×29,7 cm, ink and gold on poliplat, 2016 (private collection)

21×29,7 cm, ink and gold on poliplat, 2016 (private collection)

27,1×21,2 cm, ink and gold on paper, 2016 (private collection)

81×65 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 AVAILABLE

28×35 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 (private collection)

32×49,5 cm, oil and golden leaf on wood and metal, 2016 AVAILABLE

33×45 cm, oil and gold on wood, 2016 (private collection)

40×40 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 AVAILABLE

20×30 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 NOT FOR SALE

24×30 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016

25×30 cm, oil on canvas, 2016 AVAILABLE

24×30 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 AVAILABLE

24×30 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 AVAILABLE

65×80 cm, oil, gold, golden leaf and earring on canvas, 2017 (private collection)

100×70 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 (private collection)

26,4×30,6 cm, oil and golden leaf on wood, 2015 (private collection)

11×16 cm, acrylic, oil, ink and golden leaf on cardboard, 2016 (private collection)

11×16 cm, acrylic, oil, ink and golden leaf on cardboard, 2016 (private collection)

11×16 cm, acrylic, oil, ink and golden leaf on cardboard, 2016 (private collection)

acrylic, ink and golden leaf on polaroid, 2016 (private collection)

acrylic, ink and golden leaf on polaroid, 2016 (private collection)

11×16 cm, acrylic, oil, ink and golden leaf on cardboard, 2016 (private collection)

acrylic, ink and golden leaf on polaroid, 2016 (private collection)

21×29.4 cm, oil on cardboard, 2016 (private collection)

19.5×15.5 cm, oil and ink on paper, 2015-2016 (private collection)

40×15 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 (private collection)

50×40, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2015 (private collection)

19.5×15.7 cm, oil and ink on paper, 2015 – 2016 (private collection)

50×40 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2015 (private collection)

65×90 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2015 (private collection)

acrylic, ink and golden leaf on polaroid, 2016

copper engraved printing matrix/mirror, 2009

40×60, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2010 (private collection)

50×60 cm, graphite and golden leaf on canvas, 2010 (private collection)

120×80 cm, ink on plastic surface, 2016 AVAILABLE

160×100 cm, oil on linen canvas, 2009 NOT FOR SALE

35×25 cm, newspaper, graphite and gold on wood, 2011 AVAILABLE

30×40 cm, oil, pencil and golden leaf on canvas, 2011 (private collection)

100×70 cm, oil and pencil on canvas, 2011 (private collection)

160×250 cm, oil, plastic and golden leaf on canvas, 2009 AVAILABLE

48×33 cm, oil on paper, 1998 NOT FOR SALE

43x25x7 cm, broken plastic bumper, glue, clay and golden leaf, 2014 (private collection)

29×42 cm, oil and felt-tip pen on paper, 2008 AVAILABLE

75×37 cm, gold on oxydated copper + plexiglass, 2008

40×60 cm, oil and golden lead on canvas, 2010 (private collection)

30×40 cm, oil on canvas panel, 2011 AVAILABLE

100×70 cm, oil on paper, 2011 AVAILABLE

23x15cm, oil on canvas panel, 2011 AVAILABLE

35×36 cm, oil on paper, 2003 AVAILABLE

46×34 cm, oil and felt tip pen on recycled calendar, 2005 AVAILABLE

50×70 cm, oil, graphite and golden leaf on canvas, 2010 (private collection)

19×25 cm, oil on paper, 2015 AVAILABLE

50×40 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2015 (private collection)

180×60 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2015 (private collection)

90×65 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2015-2017 (private collection)

160×100 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2009 AVAILABLE

35×45 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas panel, 2011 AVAILABLE

80×100 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2008 AVAILABLE

60×50 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2010 (NOT FOR SALE)

46×33 cm, oil on paper on wood, 2007 AVAILABLE

42×30 cm, oil on paper, 2007 AVAILABLE

90×60 cm, oil and graphite on canvas, 2008 (NOT FOR SALE)

77×56 cm, oil, pencil and golden leaf on paper, 2013 AVAILABLE

35×50 cm, oil on paper, 2001 AVAILABLE

40×60 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2010 AVAILABLE

25×35 cm, oil and graphite on paper, 2014 AVAILABLE

48×33 cm, oil and graphite on paper, 2009 AVAILABLE

48×33 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2010 (private collection)

67×87 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2010 (private collection)

68×49 cm, Oil on canvas, 2023 AVAILABLE

Orgasm Frequency
71×54 cm, Oil on recicled canvas, 2023 AVAILABLE

55×38 cm, Oil and golden leaf on MDF board, 2016 AVAILABLE

Secular Redemption
45×35 cm, Acrylic, oil and marker on canvas, 2019-2022 AVAILABLE

60×50 cm, Oil on canvas, 2022, AVAILABLE

Girl and cellphone
28×35 cm Acrylic on canvas, 2022 AVAILABLE

Caleidoscopic moment
60×50 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2023 AVAILABLE

Cosmic Landscape
90×70 cm, ink on canvas, 2017 AVAILABLE

100x150cm, acrylic on canvas, 2020 AVAILABLE

Plural feminino
90x65cm, acrylic, oil and ink on canvas, 2019 AVAILABLE

Series of beginning
105×28 cm (35×28 each), acrylic and oil on canvases, 2019 AVAILABLE

Harmonic Dissonances
65×90 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2019 AVAILABLE

First March of the Indigenous Women, Brasilia
40×50 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2019 (NOT FOR SALE)

33×32 cm, oil and golden leaf on plastic (private collection)

Meninas do sol
55×42 cm, oil and ink on canvas panel, 2019 (private collection)

Santa Filomena
70×50 cm, oil on wood, 2015 (AVAILABLE)

50×50 cm, oil and ink on canvas, 2019 (private collection)

Raparigas no verão
33×33 cm, oil and golden leaf on plastic, 2019 (private collection)

Femenino plural
70×70 cm, acrylic, oil and ink on canvas, 2019 (private collection)

50×63 cm, oil on cardboard, 2017 AVAILABLE

PAXANAC – oil, golden leaf and ink on piano, 2017 AVAILABLE

Life drawings
Life drawings AVAILABLES

25×19 cm, oil, golden leaf and founded letters on cardboard, 2018 AVAILABLE

Estate torrida
101×76 cm, oil on canvas, 2018 (private collection)

A4, oil on plastic, 2016 AVAILABLE

80×50 cm, oil on canvas, 2018 AVAILABLE

25×35 cm, oil on canvas, 2017 AVAILABLE

57×65 cm, oil on canvas, 2017 AVAILABLE

Cais do Sodre
90×70 cm, oil on canvas, 2017 AVAILABLE

53×43 cm, oil on paper, 2017 NOT FOR SALE

Electrico I
50×50 cm, acrylic, oil and earrings on canvas, 2018 (private collection)

50×50 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2018 AVAILABLE

Drinking Mouraria
50×100 cm, oil on canvas, 2018 AVAILABLE

A4, guache on paper, 2018 (private collection)

Santa no metro
20×30 cm, oil and golden leaf on cardboard, 2015 (private collection)

Fuflun’s Mysteries
100×50 cm, ink on canvas, 2017 AVAILABLE

Wu Xing
100×150 cm, oil on canvas, 2018 AVAILABLE

Electrico II
60×40 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2019 (private collection)

Stardust landscape
59×78 cm, ink, gold and golden leaf on wood, 2016 AVAILABLE

25×35 cm, oil and gold leaf on wood, 2007 (private collection)

100×120 cm, oil on canvas, 2018 (private collection)

30×40 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2018 (private collection)

Temple of the Future
11×16 cm, acrylic, oil, ink and golden leaf on cardboard, 2016 (private collection)

Contemporary Turan
16×32 cm, oil on canvas, 2017 (private collection)

100×80 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2017 (private collection)

59×42 cm, oil and golden leaf on wood, 2016 (private collection)

21×29,7 cm, oil on poliplat, 2016/17 (private collection)

30×40 cm, Oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2015 (private collection)

Fenomenologia Cosmica
21×29,5 cm, Ink and gold on paper, 2016 (private collection)

8,7×12,8 cm, Oil on photograph, 2017 (private collection)

11,2×9 cm, Oil on photograph, 2017 (private collection)

9×11 cm, oil on polaroid, 2017 (private collection)

14,5×29,2 cm – Oil on terracotta, 2009 (private collection)

30,4×15,2 cm, gold on terracotta, 2008 (NOT FOR SALE)

21x.29,7 cm, oil and gold on poliplat, 2016 AVAILABLE

40×40 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 AVAILABLE

40×40 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 AVAILABLE

15,2×30,4 cm, gold on terracotta, 2008 (private collection)

43,8×32,2 cm, oil and golden leaf on paper, 2016 (private collection)

44×27,2 cm, ink and gold on paper, 2016 AVAILABLE

44×27,2 cm, ink and gold on paper, 2016 AVAILABLE

Time Place
21×29,7 cm, ink and gold on poliplat, 2016 (private collection)

21×29,7 cm, ink and gold on poliplat, 2016 (private collection)

27,1×21,2 cm, ink and gold on paper, 2016 (private collection)

81×65 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 AVAILABLE

28×35 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 (private collection)

Drinking Mouraria
32×49,5 cm, oil and golden leaf on wood and metal, 2016 AVAILABLE

33×45 cm, oil and gold on wood, 2016 (private collection)

Instagrammer (Cautha)
40×40 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 AVAILABLE

20×30 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 NOT FOR SALE

24×30 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016

25×30 cm, oil on canvas, 2016 AVAILABLE

Sombras de Luz
24×30 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 AVAILABLE

Feira da Ladra
24×30 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 AVAILABLE

65×80 cm, oil, gold, golden leaf and earring on canvas, 2017 (private collection)

Luz de Lisboa
100×70 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 (private collection)

Metro II
26,4×30,6 cm, oil and golden leaf on wood, 2015 (private collection)

11×16 cm, acrylic, oil, ink and golden leaf on cardboard, 2016 (private collection)

11×16 cm, acrylic, oil, ink and golden leaf on cardboard, 2016 (private collection)

11×16 cm, acrylic, oil, ink and golden leaf on cardboard, 2016 (private collection)

acrylic, ink and golden leaf on polaroid, 2016 (private collection)

acrylic, ink and golden leaf on polaroid, 2016 (private collection)

11×16 cm, acrylic, oil, ink and golden leaf on cardboard, 2016 (private collection)

acrylic, ink and golden leaf on polaroid, 2016 (private collection)

21×29.4 cm, oil on cardboard, 2016 (private collection)

Escadinhas da Mouraria
19.5×15.5 cm, oil and ink on paper, 2015-2016 (private collection)

40×15 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2016 (private collection)

50×40, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2015 (private collection)

Luz e escadas
19.5×15.7 cm, oil and ink on paper, 2015 – 2016 (private collection)

50×40 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2015 (private collection)

65×90 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2015 (private collection)

acrylic, ink and golden leaf on polaroid, 2016

copper engraved printing matrix/mirror, 2009

Looking at La Deposizione dalla croce di Alessandro Allori
40×60, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2010 (private collection)

La Mite
50×60 cm, graphite and golden leaf on canvas, 2010 (private collection)

Virtus Fado
120×80 cm, ink on plastic surface, 2016 AVAILABLE

160×100 cm, oil on linen canvas, 2009 NOT FOR SALE

Il sistema dell’arte contemporanea
35×25 cm, newspaper, graphite and gold on wood, 2011 AVAILABLE

Smoking Aura
30×40 cm, oil, pencil and golden leaf on canvas, 2011 (private collection)

100×70 cm, oil and pencil on canvas, 2011 (private collection)

160×250 cm, oil, plastic and golden leaf on canvas, 2009 AVAILABLE

48×33 cm, oil on paper, 1998 NOT FOR SALE

43x25x7 cm, broken plastic bumper, glue, clay and golden leaf, 2014 (private collection)

Al computer
29×42 cm, oil and felt-tip pen on paper, 2008 AVAILABLE

75×37 cm, gold on oxydated copper + plexiglass, 2008

40×60 cm, oil and golden lead on canvas, 2010 (private collection)

Deities II
30×40 cm, oil on canvas panel, 2011 AVAILABLE

100×70 cm, oil on paper, 2011 AVAILABLE

23x15cm, oil on canvas panel, 2011 AVAILABLE

Sex Pistols che firmano un contratto
35×36 cm, oil on paper, 2003 AVAILABLE

46×34 cm, oil and felt tip pen on recycled calendar, 2005 AVAILABLE

Drinking Negroni
50×70 cm, oil, graphite and golden leaf on canvas, 2010 (private collection)

19×25 cm, oil on paper, 2015 AVAILABLE

50×40 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2015 (private collection)

180×60 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2015 (private collection)

90×65 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2015-2017 (private collection)

Мысленная перспектива
160×100 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2009 AVAILABLE

35×45 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas panel, 2011 AVAILABLE

80×100 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2008 AVAILABLE

When the Saints
60×50 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2010 (NOT FOR SALE)

Northern Stars
46×33 cm, oil on paper on wood, 2007 AVAILABLE

Passaggio a nord ovest
42×30 cm, oil on paper, 2007 AVAILABLE

Spiagge bianche
90×60 cm, oil and graphite on canvas, 2008 (NOT FOR SALE)

Semni, Arnthia, Hercna, Pevtha
77×56 cm, oil, pencil and golden leaf on paper, 2013 AVAILABLE

35×50 cm, oil on paper, 2001 AVAILABLE

Mascherina I
40×60 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2010 AVAILABLE

25×35 cm, oil and graphite on paper, 2014 AVAILABLE

Nude a spasso
48×33 cm, oil and graphite on paper, 2009 AVAILABLE

Fine Inizio
48×33 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2010 (private collection)

67×87 cm, oil and golden leaf on canvas, 2010 (private collection)